The trickiest type of resume to master is the technical resume.
Hi, this is James, Resume Consultant at TekResume. A technical resume follows specific rules and practices that don't apply to other resumes. A general resume writing service doesn't work for an IT Resume. IT resumes require things such as a technical summary, a list of technologies per job and the most important - lots of details written in the most concise way possible. What differentiates us is that our team collectively has already seen the resumes of almost every Information Technology professional in the US. Our experience as Technical Recruiters has allowed us to see not just what we think the best resumes look like but which ones hiring managers prefer. Technical Recruiters aren't always the most liked professionals but we do write the most effective resumes. Take a look at our Sample IT Resumes.

Select a package that's right for you

How it Works
select Package
Pick the service that is right for you.
Schedule consultation
Schedule the day and time you would like to have your phone consultation and checkout.
the consultation
Expect a call on your scheduled day and time. You can always call, email or message us to reschedule.
After the consultation we get to work! Expect your completed resume the same day up to 24 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do I receive my completed resume?We complete resumes within 24 hours after the consultation. We also give status updates to keep you in the loop.
What happens after I schedule my consultation?After booking the day and time of your consultation, expect a call from us on that scheduled day and time. We will reach-out before hand in good faith and look to collect any material(s) you may have to best prepare for the call.
When do I send my current/draft resume?After booking a consultation we send an email asking for materials to best prepare for the call. This is when you can send a current/draft resume(s), job description(s) for a position(s) you are looking to apply to, and, or anything you think will help us best help you.
Do I need to have a current resume?No. The IT Resume Creation and Full-Service packages are designed to build you a resume from scratch. A current resume is only required for the IT Resume Formatting package since the purpose of this package is to improve your current resume.
What if I would like a Cover Letter or LinkedIn profile done?Cover letters and LinkedIn profiles are only completed with the selection of the IT Resume Full Service package. To maintain the quality and integrity behind what we do for you, the depth of the consultation for the Full-Service package is required to add the most value to a Cover Letter and LinkedIn profile.
Does TekResume only do IT Resumes?Yes. Information technology resumes is our "bread and butter". We don’t create resumes outside of IT, and that differentiator is what drives the quality and effectiveness of the work we do for you. General resume writing services get lost in a “cookie cutter” resume approach and attract folks in IT with fancy looking templates without fully understanding what happens behind the scenes when that resume is used. The technology field is like no other.
What is the consultation like?The goal of the consultation is to get a thorough understanding of your background and what you are looking to accomplish. Knowing your background starts by getting to know you and all the experience you have as you can best explain. The consultation is done by an experienced technical recruiter who knows your skill set well and will have effective follow-up questions to best help you get all the information out. We take the information to craft a winning resume that is effective and best maintains the integrity of your experience.
I am not sure if I need the IT Resume Formatting or the IT Resume CreationIf you find yourself in this predicament it usually means that at the very least, you think your resume is okay. If that’s the case, we recommend booking the IT Resume Formatting. On the consultation we will better understand and communicate the changes that will be made to improve your resume. If it is mutually determined on the call that it’s in your benefit to create another resume from scratch we will apply the cost of the Formatting package as a credit towards another package and can process the rest of the transaction over the phone. This is 100% an option at your digression and will only be recommended if absolutely needed.
How many revisions can I make after my resume is created?We offer unlimited revisions. It's simple, we want to make sure you are 100% satisfied, period. For this reason, we would happily continue to make changes at your request until you are 100% satisfied.
Why Technical Recruiters?Our team is comprised of experienced technical recruiters. While we aren't calling on jobs, a technical recruiter can best bridge the gap between what IT professionals do and what IT hiring managers look for. The fundamental understanding of what needs to be on a resume based on experience full filling the needs of IT hiring managers is what makes our resumes not just fancy, but effective. The fundamental experience of evaluating IT Resumes and already working with professionals in technology is our competitive advantage.